As a child and while still living in Japan, my curiosity always asked 'what am I?

If I look back at my experiences, life events and relationships in my lifetime, they seem to be drawing me to explore my true self. During the midst of experiences, not everything seemed to be easy to accept or to overcome but, in the end, I managed to accept, and I went on with my life. But I also realised that even though I accepted each experience and event, and associated emotions, it did not mean I was content or aware of my true essence. In short, these distortions never disappeared until they are acknowledged (identified) and undone.

At some stage in my life, it was no longer avoidable to explore my inner essence deeply; having noticed plenty of support from everywhere, whether visible or invisible, yet always appreciated. Being patient and kind to everything including myself, and also practicing each moment; acknowledgement(identification) and the undoing process or being aware of my true self, I feel lighter, feel more liberated and my awareness has been expanding exponentially. Thus, seeing matters with clearer vision. 

We are Spirit...this has already been established. Therefore, I am here to experience it, enjoy it and celebrate as a Spirit Being while feeling inner peace with every present moment; now I notice, I am just 'I AM'.





わたしたちはスピリットです。本質そのものです。これはすでに完成され変わらずあり続けるもの。それぞれが個々に分離しているように見えても、海が、空が、一部分だけを切り取れないように、わたしたちも大元、源、本質から完全に分離しているということはなく、一度も離れることなく「ある」のです。今ここにあり、一瞬一瞬それを経験し、学び、喜び、祝福し、いつも平安とともにあることを実践、体験中です。その一瞬一瞬に、わたしは何、という疑問は消え、本質そのものとしてただ「ある/I AM」ということに気づくのです。

Naoko Edwards

Accredited as an Advanced Flower and Vibrational Essences Therapist with BFVEA (The British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) membership.

Naoko is Japanese and has been living in The United Kingdom since 2003. Currently she lives in Guernsey Island with her husband. Her other interests are nature, animals, the universe, her allotment (growing organic vegetables and fruit), simple lifestyle and lovely, reflective moments celebrating all of the above. She has been studying and practicing several spiritual methods, including complementary therapies, over twenty years and she is always enthusiastic about subjects related to spiritual growth based on non-duality. With her awareness of spiritual growth, she enjoys her daily life.


英国 BFVEA (The British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association) 公認 アドヴァンス(上級)プラクティショナー


Academic history

English Literature degree in Japan

Qualifications and Diploma: 

Advanced Findhorn Flower Essences Certificate

Advanced Vibrational Essence Therapy Certificate

ITEC Reflexology/ Swedish Massage/ Anatomy & Physiology Diploma

British School of Reflexology Diploma

Hawaiian Healing and Lomi Lomi Certificate

Japanese Vision Yoga Instructor

Reiki Master